Semuanya tentang 12 perkara... new entry baru yang nk aku selitkan dlm blog aku...a few days lepas, aku termasuk dgn tidak sengaja ke dalam satu blog ni n aku tertarik mengenai 10 perkara...tapi, kali ni aku taknak amik 10 jugak pasal aku lebih suka angka 12..hehe

FYI, aku suka number 12 pasal aku lahir dalam bulan 12....pastu, my date pon ganda 2 dari 12, that was 24...unik kan..?

Ok, kembali semula pasal 12 perkara...Ermm, apa aku nk citer ek..?

1. 12 important person

2. 12 things you want to do before 30's

3. 12 things u most hate

4. 12 things u want to say to 'that' person

5. 12 ways to win your heart

6. 12 things i can't live without

7. 12 things that totally secret

8. 12 favourite songs

9. 12 ideal characters i need in 'that' person

10. 12 friends that i miss a lot

11. 12 things of my wishlist

12. 12 final words

Esok, 31 Mei i will make my first move in 12 important person

Hehe...tak sabar nk story...


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