~ Ada aKu Kesah..?? ~
Lately, suka sgt blurring myself..haha, wat should i..?? Just suka-suki..sbb tensen with something yg asik kacau handset mcm ada virus plak...kalau bley ternak those virus jadi virus berfaedah xperlah jugak, ni..-menakutkan-...hahah~~
I read a sentence wrote by novelist that i like most...
Dedicated to my youngest sis..
"You nak someone yang baik untuk bahagiakan Angah,
dan untuk jadi adil you sendiri kena jadi somebody yang baik dan akan bahagiakan orang lain juga.
You nak Angah to be with someone yang kuat foundation in faith, so you pun sepatutnya jadi somebody yang ada strong foundation in faith juga. You want your own blood to be loved, so you've got to love your someone just as much. You want a good husband to take care of your sister and having a life together, and now you've got to play it square by trying to be one.."
I read a sentence wrote by novelist that i like most...
Dedicated to my youngest sis..
"You nak someone yang baik untuk bahagiakan Angah,
dan untuk jadi adil you sendiri kena jadi somebody yang baik dan akan bahagiakan orang lain juga.
You nak Angah to be with someone yang kuat foundation in faith, so you pun sepatutnya jadi somebody yang ada strong foundation in faith juga. You want your own blood to be loved, so you've got to love your someone just as much. You want a good husband to take care of your sister and having a life together, and now you've got to play it square by trying to be one.."
Kata-kata ni mmg menusuk kalbu sampai masuk ke tulang-temulang..hehe~~ rasa diri sooo much pleasent...hmmm~~*silly*XP
And a words that touched my inspirations..
"Saya bukan pelangi awak...
Saya tetap saya...
Saya tak cantik macam pelangi...
Tapi, saya tetap ada kat sini walau pelangi dah pergi..."
**romanticism, leads people to live, not because of the reason, but from the emotions...**