Macam2 hal la PETKNODE's ni...pelangkung kang baru tau..
PETKNODE's "Good Care" lah sangat. - copied from Sis Budu dan Belacan
I'm just highlighting parts of PETKNODE's info on their website (cached) which I find repulsive after reading what has happened.
To those who went to rescue the poor furballs, and yang adopt tu, you have my utmost respect. It's good to know Malaysian's do care and have taken prompt action.
Q: What else does my cat get when boarded at your boarding centre?Haih. This is just so heartbreaking, dah tak tau nak kata apa. Tengok gambar ish, yang kurus keding, and the photos of the baby kittens yang mati, ish sedih weh. How can the owners let this happen? And what the hell were they thinking? Ingat orang tak akan find out ke? I heard 16 cats died.. :(((
Your cat will be monitored by our dedicated and experienced staff 24 hours per day. So you can have our assurance that your cat is always around us as your assigned caretaker. Our boarding centre is also equipped with surveillance camera for additional security purposes. We also have 3 units of air purifier installed for additional air circulation and to kill germs and bacteria and we are using germicidal bulbs for double protection to kill viruses.
- Where's the recording from the surveillance camera? Bak la kasi tengok. To kill germs and bacteria? THREE air purifiers, germicidal bulbs, double protection to kill viruses??? How about staying there 24 hours like you said and not have any of the pets under your care not killed!! Letak 100 air purifier, kalau tinggal takda makan minum pon tak guna la bodohhhhh.
Q: What is your opening hour?
Our center operates 24/7 and we accept customers for admission or collection from 11AM until 8PM daily.
- Then why were the shutters down, why did the people have to 'pecah masuk' if it's opened 24/7? Check out video below if you haven't:
Q: What will happen with the uncollected cats?
We are very serious when it comes to abandonment cases. If it happens that you refuse to collect your cat two weeks after the agreed end date of boarding service agreement and no contact has been received from you, we will send the cat to your home address. If you refuse to accept, we shall reserve the right with any applicable law to seek for legal advice for further actions. Please keep in mind that we STRONGLY DISAGREE with this irresponsible act and you will be held liable for any legal costs that might be imposed to you.
- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah right. Who are you to talk about being irresponsible?
The caretaker is always around
Why leaving your cat in a boarding cattery whose owner spends the holiday too? We spend the holiday with your cat. With us, your cat will never be left unattended, Guaranteed!
To those who went to rescue the poor furballs, and yang adopt tu, you have my utmost respect. It's good to know Malaysian's do care and have taken prompt action.
***aku baru je ngikuti benda ni pagi tadi masa baca blog obefiend...hish, kejam + hina sungguh diorang ni...takder rasa malu langsung....kepercayaan orang campak kt tepi jer...pikir untung + duit jer...sian diorang...kalo lepaskan takper la jugak, ni dh la terkurung macam tu....kesayangansss orang diorang buat cmtu jer...(emosi plak sebab aku ni memang cat crazy lover)
nak tau lebih lanjut bley ke FB page ni Kucing Terbiar & Anjing Jalanan