Paranormal Activity 3 coming to you this 20 October 2011..?
October is here and that means the annual onslaught of Halloween horror movies – a line up which, in recent years, has come to include the Paranormal Activity franchise. Continuing the string of scream-worthy movies this October from United International Pictures is Paranormal Activity 3, which takes us back to when it all first started!
The third film takes place in 1988, when Katie and Kristi were kids. While trying to get video proof of Bloody Mary, Katie and Kristi are first confronted by the monstrous demon haunting them in the first and second movies along with their family.
Co-directors Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman, who directed the controversial documentary “Catfish,” are behind the lens this time. This third installment is going to be kicking into high gear where it documents the childhood of the sisters as chronicled in the first two films as their father, much like Micah in the original, places cameras all over the house in an attempt to record the mysterious source of noises and bumps in the night. It is definitely the movie you have been waiting for if you loved the first two films, and this time all the missing pieces and how it all started will be explained.Cik Tifa said : It is not believing, but i like all horror genre films and movies...Just name it..Haha...Kind of spooky time when you enter the house and felt that someone or something following you from behind...Wow, interesting rite...Can't wait to see it in cinema.....Who want to follow, put your hands up..!!!!